// C Library
#include <cassert> // (assert.h) C Diagnostics Library (header)
#include <cctype> // (ctype.h) Character handling functions (header)
#include <cerrno> // (errno.h) C Errors (header)
#include <cfloat> // (float.h) Characteristics of floating-point types (header)
#include <ciso646> // (iso646.h) ISO 646 Alternative operator spellings (header)
#include <climits> // (limits.h) Sizes of integral types (header)
#include <clocale> // (locale.h) C localization library (header)
#include <cmath> // (math.h) C numerics library (header)
#include <csetjmp> // (setjmp.h) Non local jumps (header)
#include <csignal> // (signal.h) C library to handle signals (header)
#include <cstdarg> // (stdarg.h) Variable arguments handling (header)
#include <cstdbool> // (stdbool.h) Boolean type (header)
#include <cstddef> // (stddef.h) C Standard definitions (header)
#include <cstdint> // (stdint.h) Integer types (header)
#include <cstdio> // (stdio.h) C library to perform Input/Output operations (header)
#include <cstdlib> // (stdlib.h) C Standard General Utilities Library (header)
#include <cstring> // (string.h) C Strings (header)
#include <ctime> // (time.h) C Time Library (header)
//#include <cuchar> // (uchar.h) Unicode characters (header)
#include <cwchar> // (wchar.h) Wide characters (header)
#include <cwctype> // (wctype.h) Wide character type (header)
// Containers
#include <array> // Array header (header)
#include <bitset> // Bitset header (header)
#include <deque> // Deque header (header)
#include <forward_list> // Forward list (header)
#include <list> // List header (header)
#include <map> // Map header (header)
#include <queue> // Queue header (header)
#include <set> // Set header (header)
#include <stack> // Stack header (header)
#include <unordered_map> //Unordered map header (header)
#include <unordered_set> // Unordered set header (header)
#include <vector> // Vector header (header)
// Input/Output Stream Library
#include <iostream> // The class relies on a single streambuf object for both the input and output operations.
#include <fstream> // Input/output stream class to operate on files.
#include <sstream> //
// Miscellaneous headers
#include <algorithm> // Standard Template Library: Algorithms (library )
#include <chrono> // Time library (header)
//#include <codecvt> // Unicode conversion facets (header)
#include <complex> // Complex numbers library (header)
#include <exception> // Standard exceptions (header)
#include <functional> // Function objects (header)
#include <initializer_list> // Initializer list (header)
#include <iterator> // Iterator definitions (header)
#include <limits> // Numeric limits (header)
#include <locale> // Localization library (header)
#include <memory> //Memory elements (header)
#include <new> // Dynamic memory (header)
#include <numeric> // Generalized numeric operations (header)
#include <random> // Random (header)
#include <ratio> // Ratio header (header)
#include <regex> // Regular Expressions (header)
#include <stdexcept> // Exception classes (header)
#include <string> // Strings (header)
#include <system_error> // System errors (header)
#include <tuple> // Tuple library (header)
#include <typeinfo> // Type information (header)
#include <type_traits> //type_traits (header)
#include <utility> // Utility components (header)
#include <valarray> // Library for arrays of numeric values (header)
#include <iomanip> // Header providing parametric manipulators
using namespace std;
struct point
int x;
int y;
int main( int argc, char **argv )
int W, H, N;
cin >> W >> H >> N;
vector<struct point> points(N);
for ( int i = 0 ; i < N ; ++i )
cin >> points[i].x >> points[i].y;
int num_road = 0;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < N - 1 ; ++i )
if ( points[i].x == points[i+1].x ||
points[i].y == points[i+1].y )
int tmp_road = abs( points[i].x - points[i+1].x ) + abs( points[i].y - points[i+1].y );
//cout << "first" << endl;
//cout << tmp_road << endl;
num_road += tmp_road;
// NE, SW
else if ( ( points[i].x < points[i+1].x && points[i].y < points[i+1].y ) ||
( points[i].x > points[i+1].x && points[i].y > points[i+1].y ) )
int tmp_road = max( abs( points[i].x - points[i+1].x ), abs( points[i].y - points[i+1].y ) );
//cout << "second" << endl;
//cout << tmp_road << endl;
num_road += tmp_road;
// NW, SE
else if ( ( points[i].x < points[i+1].x && points[i].y > points[i+1].y ) ||
( points[i].x > points[i+1].x && points[i].y < points[i+1].y ) )
int tmp_road = abs(points[i].x - points[i+1].x) + abs(points[i].y - points[i+1].y);
//cout << "third" << endl;
//cout << tmp_road << endl;
num_road += tmp_road;
cout << num_road << endl;