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// Kurt Feiereisel				    CSC5				   Chapter 7, p. 445, #8
 * Calculate Wages for Employee ID Numbers
 * _____________________________________________________________________________
 * This program allows a user to enter the number of hours worked by an employee
 * ID number, and the payrate of an employee ID number. The program will then 
 * calculate and report the gross wages for each employee ID number, and the 
 * hours worked by each employee ID number.
 * _____________________________________________________________________________
 * Formula:
 *		wages[NUM] = payRate[NUM] * hours[NUM]
 *  	empId[]			: Employee's ID numbers
 *		hours[]			: Number of hours worked by an employee Id number
 *		payRate[]		: Payrate for an employee ID number
 *		wages[]			: The gross wages for an employee ID number
 * ****************************************************************************/
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

// Function prototypes
void getInfo(int empId[], int hours[], float payRate[], int NUM);
void calcGross(int hours[], float payRate[], float wages[], int NUM);
void displayArray(int empId[], int hours[], float wages[], int NUM);

int main()
	// Initialize Constants
	const int NUM = 7;

	// Declare / Initialize Array's
	int empId[] = {5658845, 4520125, 7895122, 8777541, 8451277, 1302850,
			7580489};				// Input 	: Employee ID numbers
	int hours[NUM];					// Input 	: Hours worked
	float payRate[NUM];				// Input 	: Pay rate
	float wages[NUM];				// Output	: Gross Wages

	// Call Functions
	getInfo(empId, hours, payRate, NUM);
	calcGross(hours, payRate, wages, NUM);
	displayArray(empId, hours, wages, NUM);
	return 0;

 * Definition of getInfo Function
 * This function allows a user to enter hours worked, pay rate, and wages of
 * an employee ID.
void getInfo(int id[], int h[], float p[], int num)
	// Input Hours for Employee ID
	for (int index = 0; index < num; index++)
		cout << "Enter Employee #" << id[index] << "'s information:\n";

		// Input Hours
		cout << "Hours: ";
		cin >> h[index];

		// Input Verification
		while(h[index] < 0)
			cout << "Please enter a positive number for hours.";
			cin >> h[index];

		// Input PayRate
		cout << "Pay Rate: ";
		cin >> p[index];

		// Input Verification
		while (p[index] < 6.00)
			cout << "Please enter a pay rate more than $6.00.";
			cin >> p[index];
		cout << endl;

 * Definition of calcGross
 * This function calculates the gross wages for an employee ID
void calcGross(int h[], float p[], float w[], int num)
	// Calculate and Store Gross Wages
	for(int index = 0; index < num; index++)
		w[index] = (h[index] * p[index]);

 * Definition of displayArray
 * This function will display the hours and wages for each employee ID
void displayArray(int id[], int h[], float w[], int num)
	// Display Header
	cout << "Employee ID" << setw(4) << "| " << setw(6)
		 << "Hours" << setw(4) << "| " << setw(6) << "Wages" << endl;
	cout << "-----------------------------------" << endl;

	// Implement for loop to display hours and wages for each employee ID
	for(int index = 0; index < num; index ++)
		cout << fixed << setprecision(2) << showpoint;
		cout << id[index] << setw(7) << "|" << "  " << h[index]
			 << setw(6) << "|" << "   " << w[index] << endl;

Success #stdin #stdout 0s 5304KB
Enter Employee #5658845's information:
Hours: Pay Rate: 
Enter Employee #4520125's information:
Hours: Pay Rate: 
Enter Employee #7895122's information:
Hours: Pay Rate: 
Enter Employee #8777541's information:
Hours: Pay Rate: 
Enter Employee #8451277's information:
Hours: Pay Rate: 
Enter Employee #1302850's information:
Hours: Pay Rate: 
Enter Employee #7580489's information:
Hours: Pay Rate: 
Employee ID  |  Hours  |  Wages
5658845      |  40     |   938.00
4520125      |  43     |   1010.50
7895122      |  50     |   1416.00
8777541      |  32     |   635.20
8451277      |  96     |   1174.08
1302850      |  19     |   234.46
7580489      |  60     |   1940.40